Thursday 2 April 2015


So today i've caved and purchased the highly raved about, CocoWhite.
Their products originated from the well known practice 'Oil Pulling'.
I have researched the life out of this technique and actually it seems to be really popular, not to mention successful. 

Oil Pulling works by swishing the oil around your mouth for 5-10 minutes. 
CocoWhite have basically created the perfect dosage, packaged it nicely with yummy flavours to make it  (hopefully) a more bearable technique! Oil Pulling works to reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in your mouth. To put it simply, as you swish the oil around your mouth the bacteria 'gets stuck' in it and dissolves in the liquid oil. 

Oil Pulling has all sorts of health benefits linked to it such as ; Brighter, whiter teeth, Healthier gums, Prevents bad breath, Increased energy, Decreased headaches, Clearer sinuses, Alleviated allergies and even clearer skin. Personally all I'm after is whiter, cleaner teeth. Im skeptical about the rest of those apparent benefits but if it works then bonus!

So I've bought mine in the flavour 'Vanilla Swirl'.
They also offer 'Minty Fresh' & 'Light Lemon'. 
They cost 19.99 for 14 Sachets and you can purchase them here, at CocoWhite.UK.

I'm trying these as they are a slightly more luxurious way to perform Oil Pulling. You can also use good old fashioned Coconut Oil. It is the most popular because of its sweet flavour. 
I actually use coconut oil all the time as a replacement for cooking oils. There are so many health benefits linked with coconuts. I myself am a massive fan. Ive replaced nearly everything I can with the healthy coconut alternative! Hair oil, Cooking oil, Coconut Milk, Coconut Cream, etc. 
So if your looking for a cheaper alternative, you can buy jars of it from most supermarkets. My favourite being Lucy Bee, 9.95 for 500ml. You can purchase it here, at LucyBee.UK.

I will be posting my results once I receive my delivery and am looking forward to trying it out!

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