Thursday 28 May 2015


I really enjoy seeing what products people dislike because it shows just how different we all are. Ive sat and watched so many 'Products I regret buying' videos and sometimes they may have included one of my holy grail's. Just because I don't like these products doesn't mean no-one does but personally, I regret these little buggers and heres why;

L'oréal Magic Nude Liquid Powder
I'm sorry but... What the hell is this? The first time I used this I made the mistake of using my fingers and tipped some into my hands not realising this stuff is basically water. Its the thinnest consistency and feels so horribly and slimy. I found it to feel silky like it was full of silicones and I hated it on my skin as it turns matte!
 What the hell L'oréal?

White Shock Blanx Toothpaste
This stuff cost me £7.50. Im a sucker for packaging, evidently.
Ive got to be honest I can't judge the products effectiveness as I think I used this toothpaste twice before deciding I hate it. The taste is fine, but this stuff doesn't lather at all and almost dissolves to nothing. My teeth did not feel clean after using this and I found myself adding my trusty colgate in half way through. Even my boyfriend agree'd as I did wonder If I was just being fussy!
Bit pants really.

Aussie Miracle Moist Range 
I just really don't like Aussie products - period. 
I haven't used this is in ages to be fair but I bought this whole range after Imogen from Foxy Locks Extensions always raved about them. We must have very different hair as all I got from this product was lank hair that kept becoming greasy for no reason. With absolutely no redeeming features, these went in the bin unfortunately. Sorry Aussie.
Chancel VitaLumière Aqua
I have posted about this before when I did my 'Chanel VS No.7 post',
Its now ended up in my 'Products I regret buying'.
I don't absolutely hate this foundation. I just regret spending 30+ pounds on it. I found this foundation to be super orange, I hated the finish and it went so cakey through the day settling in my fine lines. The only way I can use this is with a damp beauty blender and a very light hand, but even then I may as well just use my tinted moisturiser. I never go to pick this foundation up and even tried giving it away. Sorry Chanel, you were been a complete waste of money. 

Elf Studio Blushes
These things cost me a couple of pounds so Im really not slating them but I found them to have little to no pigment and were super chalky. I could probably use them on a lighter skin tone as I bought 'Mellow Mauve' and 'Tickled Pink'. Ive always been really impressed with ELF for the money so, Maybe I just bought the wrong colours? 

 L'oréal Nude Magique CC Cream
These. Are. Shit
Sorry but there just aren't words for how much I hated these. I don't buy into this stupid concept of a white cream that turns to your exact skin tone. Im not sure what colour they thought I was because all I got was the Patchy Oompa Loompa look. I tried everything with these but they are my biggest regret by far. Ew.
EOS Lip Balms
Another one I don't hate. 
I bought all of these in a pack of 5 off Amazon. I love the packaging, I love the colours, I love the concept, I even love the scents. What I don't like is the product inside. I find these to be quite dry so I have to drag them across my lips and even when I do get a good amount of product, It just doesn't really do anything? They are a great handbag accessory and I found them to be more of a luxury but would never grab one when my lips actually need moisturising. 
Maybe save your money?

Nip + Fab Bee Sting Range
These is also a facial moisturiser in this range. I have all 3 but I've literally used the mask and moisturiser once so I can't comment. I went through a phase of using my eye cream quite regularly but for some reason stopped for about a month. When I came back to using it, this stuff (Eye cream) had turned into a hard discoloured wax! It was so gross. I wasn't sure weather it was just a layer on top so I went to stick my finger in and I was so shocked at where the packaging finished! You aren't even getting half the pot full of product its absolutely disgusting how little you get and it went of before I even got my use out of it.
Thanks Nip & Fab. Your pants.


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