Monday 23 March 2015


1.) Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks, and lipglosses or lose all of your palettes and eyeshadows?
Definitely rather lose all of my palettes and shadows! 

2.) Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again?
Never be able to cut it again. I don't have much of a style anyway and I love to just tie it up so, more hair the better!

3.) Would you rather have a coral cheek or a pink cheek?

Coral cheek 100%. I veer towards corals with all my looks anyway.

4.) If you had $1000 to spend, would you rather buy clothes or makeup?

Can I not split it on both :-(! Id have to say makeup. I just love wandering round makeup stores and I know I will always find things I want. Sometimes I can go clothes shopping and not find one thing I like.

5.) Would you rather apply lipstick as eyeliner, or eyeliner as lipstick?

Eyeliner as lipstick probably... I use lipliners on their own sometimes so I assume it would just be the same thing!

6.) Would you rather only shop at MAC or Sephora?
Sephora all the way. I would never want to limit myself to just the one brand!

7.) Would you rather only use one eyeshadow color or one lip color for the rest of your life?

One eyeshadow colour. Im not very adventurous with my eye makeup, Id rather mix it up with a bold lip.

8.) Would you rather wear winter clothes in summer or summer clothes in winter?

Probably winter clothes in summer, I hate being to cold. At least I could remove some layers if I'm to hot!

9.) Would you rather have dark nails or bright nails all year round?

Dark nails! Im a massive lover of dark colours on my nails and I think they suit all the seasons.

10.) Would you rather give up your favorite lip product or your favorite eye product?

Eye product I think. I have an obsession with lip products and have a whole drawer of lip balms. I know, I have a weird attachment to them.

11.) Would you rather only be able to wear your hair in a ponytail or a messy bun?

 This questions quite funny to me because my everyday style is a messy bun so, It wouldn't affect my life to much! 

12.) Would your rather never be able to paint your nails again or never use lipgloss?
Never use lipgloss. You could always replace it with a good balm? I love painting my nails so I could never give that up!

13.) Would you rather shave your eyebrows and have none at all or sharpie them in everyday?

Ha well this is just awful. Im gonna have to say sharpie them in everyday. I reckon I could find a good enough shade and make it work for me!

14.) Would you rather live without makeup or nail polish?

Wow toughie. Im gonna go with nail polish as makeup makes me feel ready for the day. Nail polish doesn't do that for me, but id definitely miss it!

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